Week 24 - SPS Dedicated MD


Tuesday 08/06 (08:00-10:00)

Change of supercycle 950 ==> 546

HW Compensation trims

Beam conditions: No beam

Participants: AB/OP


Tuesday 08/06 (10:00 - 12:00)

Injection - Capture and Energy matching PS-SPS

Beam conditions: MDRF on SC 546 - 1-2 batches

Nbunch = 1.2  x 1011 p - 16 bunches (= 4 PS Booster Ring)

eH,V* < 1 mm

eL=0.35 eV.s

Participants: AB/OP, G. Arduini, Ph. Baudrenghien, Th. Bohl, J. Wenninger


Tuesday 08/06 (12:00 - 16:00)

Setting-up of 800 MHz system, feed-forward, longitudinal damper

Beam conditions: MDRF on SC 546 - 1-4 batches

Nbunch = 1.2  x 1011 p - 16 bunches (= 4 PS Booster Ring)

eH,V* < 1 mm

eL=0.35 eV.s

Participants: AB/OP, Ph. Baudrenghien, Th. Bohl


Tuesday 08/06 (16:00 - 23:00)

Study of capture losses

Beam conditions: MDRF on SC 546 - 1-4 batches

Nbunch = 1.2  x 1011 p - 4-16 bunches (= 1-4 PS Booster Ring)

eH,V* < 1 mm

eL=0.35 eV.s

Participants: AB/OP, Ph. Baudrenghien, Th. Bohl


Tuesday 08/06 (23:00) - Wednesday 09/06 (06:00)

Space Charge Studies

Beam conditions: MDRF on SC 546 - 1 batch

Nbunch = 1.2  x 1011 p - 4 bunches (= 1 PS Booster Ring)

eH,V* < 1 mm

eL=0.35 eV.s

Participants: AB/OP, G. Arduini, H. Burkhardt, F. Roncarolo, E. Vogel


Wednesday 09/06 (06:00 - 08:00)

LOCO at 450 GeV/c

Beam conditions: MDRF on SC 546 - 1 batch

Nbunch = 1.2  x 1011 p - 4-16 bunches (= 1-4 PS Booster Ring)

eH,V* < 1 mm

eL=0.35 eV.s

Participants: AB/OP, J. Wenninger


Author: Gianluigi Arduini - AB/ABP
Last update: Friday, January 28, 2005 02:46:15 PM
Copyright CERN