Wednesday 25/07 (08:00 - 14:00) - Setting-up of the nominal cycle with LHC beam
Change of supercycle => User: LHC25
During (the scrubbing run and) the LONG MDs with LHC beam the ZS are RETRACTED / HV to 0 kV / ION TRAPS ON (inform the ZS expert). The cooling circuit for the septa magnets (circuits 214, 414 and 614) should be switched OFF (by TI). Block the fast vacuum valves OUT in the injection and extraction areas (LSS1,LSS2,LSS6)
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHC25 - PS users = LHC25A(&B)
#injections = 1 (12 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Participants: OP, RF, ABP, BI
Wednesday 25/07 (14:00 - 16:00) - Adjustment of the transverse damper
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHC25 - PS users = LHC25A&B
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Contact person: W. Hofle
Wednesday 25/07 (16:00 - 24:00) - PS-SPS transfer optimization (capture / flat-bottom losses)
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHC25 - PS users = LHC25A&B
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Contact person: E. Shaposhnikova
Thursday 25/07 (00:00 - 04:00) - Achieving nominal longitudinal beam parameters
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHC25 - PS users = LHC25A&B
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Contact person: T. Bohl
Thursday 25/07 (04:00 - 08:00) - Preparation of the cycles for the TT40/60 tests of week 31 (Wednesday 01/08)
Beam conditions: Supercycle change to LHCPILOT-LSS46-L16800_PDOT_V1. It is composed of 2 cycles, LHC pilot and LHC mono, called LHCPILOT_LSS4_L8400_PDOT(0->8400) and LHCPILOT_LSS6_L8400_PDOT(8400->16800) => 2 identical cycles, only the extraction is different (the first for TT40 and the second for TT60). RF MMI of LHC pilot mapped onto LHC mono. The HW compensation was done on Wednesday 18/07
#injections = 1 (1 bunch) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 5 x 109 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* = 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.3 eV.s
Contact person: J. Wenninger
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:35:26 PM