Wednesday 22/08 (08:00 - 13:00) - Setting-up of the nominal cycle with LHC beam
Change of supercycle => LHC-FT500_PDOT_V1
Timing sequence Name => LHC25NS-18BP-0/1/3
During (the scrubbing run and) the LONG MDs with LHC beam the ZS are RETRACTED / HV to 0 kV / ION TRAPS ON (inform the ZS expert). The cooling circuit for the septa magnets (circuits 214, 414 and 614) should be switched OFF (by TI). Block the fast vacuum valves OUT in the injection and extraction areas (LSS1,LSS2,LSS6)
Beam conditions: PSB users = LHC25A and LHC25B / PS user = LHC25 / SPS user = LHC25NS
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Participants: OP, RF, ABP, BI
Wednesday 22/08 (13:00-19:00) - Achieving nominal longitudinal beam parameters + Beam quality checks
Beam conditions: PSB users = LHC25A and LHC25B / PS user = LHC25 / SPS user = LHC25NS
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Contact person: T. Bohl
Wednesday 22/08 (19:00) - Thursday 23/08 (03:00) - Comparison of filling schemes 4x72 or 5x48 bunches
Beam conditions for 4x72 bunches: PSB users = LHC25A and LHC25B / PS user = LHC25 / SPS user = LHC25NS
Beam conditions for 5x48 bunches: PSB users = LHC25A / PS user = TSTLHC25 / SPS user = LHC25NS
#injections = 1-4 (72 bunches) - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* < 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eV.s
Contact person: E. Métral, OP
Thursday 23/08 (03:00-04:00) - Setting-up of the cycle with Pilot beam
Beam conditions: PSB user = LHCPILOT / PS user = LHCPILOT / SPS user = LHC25NS (RF MMI pointing to LHCPILOT => See below how to do this)
RF MMI pointing to LHCPILOT (method):
- Working Sets
- Select context => SPS.USER.LHC25NS
- View => Show devices description
- MMI target LHC25NS => Disabled and MMI target LHCPILOT => Enabled. To be done 2 times as it appears 2 times in the list
- Delay has to be set to 550
#injections = 1 (1 bunch) - Extraction w/o QKE58
Nb = 5 x 109 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* = 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.3 eV.s
Participants: OP, RF, ABP, BI
Thursday 23/08 (04:00-08:00) - Non-linear chromaticity measurements all along the cycle
Beam conditions: PSB user = LHCPILOT / PS user = LHCPILOT / SPS user = LHC25NS (RF MMI pointing to LHCPILOT => See below how to do this)
RF MMI pointing to LHCPILOT (method):
- Working Sets
- Select context => SPS.USER.LHC25NS
- View => Show devices description
- MMI target LHC25NS => Disabled and MMI target LHCPILOT => Enabled. To be done 2 times as it appears 2 times in the list
- Delay has to be set to 550
#injections = 1 (1 bunch) - Extraction w/o QKE58
Nb = 5 x 109 p/b
Transverse emittances (e* = 3 mm)
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.3 eV.s
Contact person: R. Tomas
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:22:16 AM