Week 42 - Parallel MD
Tuesday 16/10 (08:00) - Wednesday 17/10 (08:00)
Wednesday 17/10 (08:00) - Thursday 18/10 (16:00)
Please note that on Wednesday 17/10 (from 08:00 to 18:00) the LINAC3 oven will be changed. Therefore, no ion beam will be available during the day
Thursday 18/10 (14:30 - 18:00) - Loss optimization at the start of the ramp in the PS with ions
Beam conditions: LEIR user = EARLY / PS user = LHCION
Contact Person: H. Damerau
Friday 19/10 (08:00 - 18:00) - MTE related studies in the PS with 1 or 2 BP
Beam conditions: PS user = MD1 (1 BP) or MD2 (2 BP) and PSB user = MD1
Contact Person: S. Gilardoni
Friday 19/10 (08:00 - 18:00) - Acceleration of the ions in the SPS through transition on the parallel cycle
Beam conditions: LEIR user = EARLY / PS user = LHCION / SPS user = LHCION
Contact Person: T. Bohl
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 09:40:42 AM