Week 44 - Parallel MD
Wednesday 31/10 (12:00 - 18:00) - Comparison between the orbits in the SPS with 25 ns and 75 ns beams
Beam conditions: PSB user = LHC25A&B or LHC75A&B, PS user = LHC25 or LHC75 and SPS user = MD1
Contact person: G. Arduini
Thursday 01/11 (08:00 - 18:00) - Measurement of the SPS low-frequency inductive longitudinal impedance
Beam conditions: PSB user = MD2, PS user = MD4 and SPS user = MD1
#bunches = 1
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b (i.e. nominal intensity, possibility to decrease it => Preferably with the vertical shavers in the PSB to preserve the longitudinal emittance)
Transverse emittances: e* ~ 1 mm
Longitudinal emittance: eL* ~ 0.2 eV.s
Contact person: E. Shaposhnikova
Friday 02/11 (08:00 - 13:00) - Study of the fast vertical single-bunch instability at SPS injection
Beam conditions: PSB user = MD2, PS user = MD4 and SPS user = MD1
#bunches = 1
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b (i.e. nominal intensity, possibility to decrease it => Preferably with the vertical shavers in the PSB to preserve the longitudinal emittance)
Transverse emittances: e* ~ 1 mm
Longitudinal emittance: eL* ~ 0.2 eV.s
Contact Person: B. Salvant
Friday 02/11 (13:00 - 18:00) - Localization of the SPS transverse impedance
Beam conditions: PSB user = MD2, PS user = MD4 and SPS user = MD1
#bunches = 1
Nb = 1.3 x 1011 p/b (i.e. nominal intensity, possibility to decrease it => Preferably with the vertical shavers in the PSB to preserve the longitudinal emittance)
Transverse emittances: e* ~ 1 mm
Longitudinal emittance: eL* ~ 0.2 eV.s
Contact Person: R. Calaga
Note that the parallel MD1 cycle in the SPS might be used also (if needed) during the week-end to finish all the above measurements!
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 06:43:12 PM