Change of supercycle => ION-L18000_V1 (18 s long, 15 BPs)
Timing sequence Name => LHCION-0/1/2
Beam conditions: LEIR user = EARLY / PS user = LHCION / SPS user = LHCION (RF MMI pointing to LHCION => See below how to do this)
RF MMI pointing to LHCION (method):
- Working Sets
- Select context => SPS.USER.LHCION
- View => Show devices description
- MMI target LHCION => Enabled and MMI target "previous one" => Disabled. To be done 2 times as it appears 2 times in the list
- Delay has to be set to 550
- Only 1 user (LHCION) is used for the parallel MDs and the dedicated ones: All the timings (CBCM Timings, RF-SPEC, RF-MMI and EA-NORTH) have been saved in the archive "LHCION for parallel MD" for the parallel MDs and "LHCION for dedicated MD" for the dedicated MDs => Load the correct archive when needed.
- Note that the timing SIX.MC-CTM is Enabled with a CCV of 425 (ms) for the protons, while it is 525 (ms) for the ions as they are extracted from the PS 100 ms later than the protons.
#injections = 1 first (up to 4 if the RF capture works) with 1 bunch per injection - Extraction from the PS w/o QKE58
Nb = 1.0 x 1010 charges/b
Transverse emittances: e* < 1 mm
Bunch length (4 sigmas): taub = 4 ns.
Longitudinal emittance: eL* < 0.05 eV.s/u
08:00 - 12:00 => Setting-up of the cycle and injection
CHECK the pre-pulse for the injection kicker in BA1 => In case of problem, phone P. Nouchi (160100), as a HW switch has to be done
Participants: OP, RF, ABP, BI
Contact Person: D. Manglunki
12:00 - 16:00 => Setting-up of the RF capture (if HW ready)
Contact Person: T. Bohl
08:00 - 16:00 => In parallel, transverse matching studies between PS and SPS
Contact Person: M. Martini
Authors: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
and Django Manglunki - AB/OP
Last update:
Monday, September 17, 2007 05:30:58 PM