- MD_25.92_120_L18000_2009_V1.csv => Cycle used for the p+ coasts at 120 GeV/c (15 BP = 18 s).
- CBCM: CBCMInCatalog, Viewer, PulseStart, LHC2, COASTPR1, COAST1, COASTRE1, PulseStop.
- CBCM timings and RF MMI Targets:
- LHC2 (= SPS user Timing): Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (RF MMI target = LHCMONO) and 6.
- COASTPR1: Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- COAST1: Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- COASTRE1: Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- SIS interlocks to be masked for coasts:
- KICKERS_SPSRING (essentially for the MKD_EARLY_ENABLED).
- POWER_CONVERTERS_TT10 (as some could trip during the coast). Switch off the MDSH1197 (otherwise it will trip).
- If the scraper and or the collimator is used:
- The scraper status in the SIS should be masked (as there is no update on the coast cycle).
- When the collimator or the scraper will be moved, the BIC input 8 in BA5 should be masked, as well as the SIS input SPS_SW_PERMIT / BIS_STATE_SPSRING / BIC_SPS_MASK / BIC_BA5_MASK.
- RF Voltage (Trim settings): Picture and data.
- Tunes (Trim settings):
- Chromaticities (Trim settings):
- Coherent and noise excitations using the transverse dampers:
- New timings have been defined this year (2009) to start the coherent excitation in coast and in a cycling machine, as well as to switch on and off the noise excitation.
- The noise amplitude is controlled by the same ROCS function as the "chirp" for the tune measurement: Chirp for the tune measurement and noise are mutually excluded, i.e. the timing toggles between chirp and noise.
- SPS RF7: Picture.
- For the coherent excitation:
- tdamper v (or h) blow-up excitation trigger coast (or cycling). This replaces the previous tdamper v (or h) on MD, which should not be used anymore.
- For the noise excitation (other timings have been defined):
- tdamper noise on (off) coast (or cycling) => We have to enable the ON and to make it OFF: disable the ON and enable the OFF.
- For the amplitude there is a function in the Trim Editor:
- TUNEMEAS => Can be trimmed during the coast by trimming the last 2 points of the pulsed function in the Trim Editor:
- DAMPER-H (Trim settings): Picture and data.
- DAMPER-V (Trim settings): Picture and data.
- Disable it in the AutoQ otherwise we will excite the beam with the chirp used to measure the tune!
- Trims in coasts: Using the last 2 points (on the flat top) of the pulsed function (i.e. on the user LHC2) in the Trim Editor .
- Instrumentation in coasts:
- BCT => Click on the “Acquisition in COAST” button.
- FASTBCT => Click on the “Acquisition in COAST” button.
- ORBIT => Click on the “Acquisition in COAST” button. However, it seems that it gives only 1 value, i.e. the one when we go in coast. Therefore, the orbit has to be adjusted in the pulsed cycle => This issue was solved by Stephen Jackson on Tuesday 22/09/09 (it works now).
- SPS-BLM => Works also in coast.
- BWS => A knob has been implemented this year (2009) in the new application to be able to acquire in coast: click on the "Scan Now" button. Use the FESA Navigator Tool to Enable the “Scan Now”:
- Favorites / FESA Navigator Tool / File / New / Read Only / BWSPS / OK
- bws50s / GD000… / ALL / BlockScanNow /
- disableScanNow / False / Set and it is OK
- Adjust the gain in the BWS application (as clicking on the button “Scan Now” does not send the HV values) and then one can make a measurement.
- SPS-MultiT => Works also in coast.
- Set Timing User Permit: On 19/06/09, the beam was not injected on the COASTPR1. After some investigation it was found that the beam permit was not given at this user timing. We called Etienne Carlier and he set the beam permit in true position with the expert application, which can be found at https://espace.cern.ch/te-dep-abt-ec/default.aspx. Click on: applications => image1. In the table SPS and the column MKP click on: KITS => image2. Launch the application by entering your personal logging nice not SPSOP. Open the combo box and select: KPSBA1 => image3. Click on the menu on: Control => Controller => Remote Kick Setting. Select the good user timing with the combo box => image4. Click on the button permit to obtain the green light or the red light which correspond at beam permit true or beam permit false and click on apply.
- 2 sequences for UA9 (by Louis and Serge) => Coupled with either LHCINDIV or TSTLHC25 in the PS.
- Evolution of the vacuum close to the UA9 equipments during the MD held on 22&23-09-09: VGHB_51877 and VGHB_52060.
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Friday, September 25, 2009 10:41:42 AM