Week 37 - Parallel MD


Reminder 1: There should always be 1 cycle reserved for parallel studies in the PSB.

Reminder 2: Most of the time during the SPS ion commissioning (i.e. between week 33 and 38), the LHCION1 cycle will be added (during the day) to the SFTLONG + 4 CNGS1 cycles in the SPS. The corresponding ion cycle in the PS is LHCION. However, the cycle MDION should also be available in the PS to work on the nominal ion beam. J. Burnet agreed to increase the PS load from 5 to 5.4 MW to be able to have both LHCION and MDION in the PS (R. Steerenberg, 17/08/09).

Reminder 3: During the week (when possible) the PS will continue to work on the production of LHC50 in 1 batch to be ready for the Long Injector MD of week 41.


Monday 07/09 (08:00 - 18:00) to Wednesday 09/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - SPS ion commissioning (setting-up in // of the early ion beam)

Beam conditions: SPS cycle = SFTLONG1 + 4 CNGS1 + LHCION1, PS user = LHCION (MDION is reserved for the nominal beam) and LEIR user = EARLY

SPS user Timing = LHCION1 (LHCION2 is reserved for the dedicated MD)

Contact Person: D. Manglunki


Thursday 10/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - TMCI studies for single-bunch feedback

Beam conditions: SPS user = LHCFAST2 (SPS cycle = SFTLONG1 + 3* CNGS1 + LHCFAST2), PS user = MD4 and PSB user = MD3

#bunches = 1

Nb ~ 5E10 p/b

Transverse emittances: e* ~ 1 microm (we take what the PSB can deliver => Will vary with the vertical shaving)

Longitudinal emittance: eL* ~ 0.15 eVs

Contact Person: W. Hofle

* When LHCFAST2 is used 3 CNGS1 are programmed, while when LHCION1 is used 4 CNGS1 are programmed for power consideration.


Friday 11/09 (08:00 - 18:00)

SPS ion commissioning (setting-up in // of the early ion beam)

Beam conditions: SPS cycle = SFTLONG1 + 4 CNGS1 + LHCION1, PS user = LHCION (MDION is reserved for the nominal beam) and LEIR user = EARLY

SPS user Timing = LHCION1 (LHCION2 is reserved for the dedicated MD)

Contact Person: T. Bohl

Check in the PS the 25 ns and 75 ns variants to be ready for the Long Injector MD of next week 38

Contact Person: H. Damerau


Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 08:13:10 AM
Copyright CERN