Week 43 - SPS (or PS) dedicated MD Tuesday 20/10 (08:00 - 16:00)

SPS ion commissioning (4 batches of 1 bunch)*

Beam conditions: SPS user Timing = LHCION2, PS user = LHCION and LEIR user = EARLY

RF MMI target = LHCION

The SPS supercycle is the dedicated LHC ion one (LHC_ION_4inj_FT2000_450_2009_V1, 14 BP = 16.8 s)

Contact PersonD. Manglunki


* If it is not possible to have ions (due to bad vacuum in the PS etc., which will be known on Monday 19/10/09), this MD will be cancelled and replaced by PS Injection studies (S. Aumon)


Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update: Thursday, October 15, 2009 02:16:06 PM
Copyright CERN