Week 24 - "Floating" MD (Wednesday 16/06/2010)
=> We will try and prepare the coasts in the SPS (when possible as the LHC has priority and as it was decided recently that it will be in MD). Reminder: UA9 will take its first beam (coast at 120 GeV/c) in week 29
- 1st, we will try and inject a LHCINDIV bunch, accelerate it and go in coast at 120 GeV/c with it (checking the instrumentation etc.).
- 2nd, we will start to prepare the other cycle which will be used for the coasts (55 and 270 GeV/c) => HW compensation etc.
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:56:38 AM