Week 40 - Floating Injector MD 

(From Thursday 07/10 at 08:00 to Friday 08/10 at 08:00 in // to LHC, total duration 24 hours)

The starting time of this MD as well as the actual number of MD hours depend on the beam request and filling of LHC.

- Thursday 08:00 - Thursday 09:00  =>  Supercycle change to LHC_ION_4inj_FT2306_450_2010_V1  (for 4 ion injections, 15 bp)

Contact people: BE/OP, BE/RF


- Thursday 09:00 - Thursday 19:00 => Tests with the 4 injection I-LHC cycle

Beam conditions:

- LEIR user = EARLY

- PS user = LHCION

- SPS user = LHCION2

- RF MMI target = LHCION

Contact people: T. Bohl, P. Baudrenghien, D. Manglunki


- Thursday 19:00 - Thursday 20:00  =>  Supercycle change to MD_26_120_18000_2009_V1.csv  (coastable at 120 GeV/c, 15 bp, some references can be found at https://ab-mgt-md-users.web.cern.ch/ab-mgt-md-users/2009/MDCycles/SomeReferencesForpCoastAt120GeV/Ref.htm). Set up


- PS user = LHCINDIV

- SPS user = LHCMD1

- RF MMI target = LHCMONO

- Timing sequence in the CBCM = LHC2-0/1/2

For the coast, mask the following SIS interlocks: KICKERS_SPSRING (essentially for the MKD_EARLY_ENABLED), switch off the MDSH119 (otherwise it will trip), POWER_CONVERTERS_TT10 (as some could trip during the coast) and BLRING_DUMP_CHANNEL_VETO.

Contact people: BE/OP, BE/RF


- Thursday 20:00 - Friday 07:00  =>  Tests with the new BPM integrated LHC prototype collimator

Beam conditions: Single LHC-type bunch on a 120 GeV/c coastable cycle


- PS user = LHCINDIV

- SPS user = LHCMD1 (pulsed), COAST1 (coasting)

- RF MMI target = LHCMONO

 Contact people: R. Assmann, D. Wollmann, R. Bruce


- Friday 07:00 - Friday 08:00  =>  Recovery from MD, switch back to physics

- Change of supercycle

- Send beam to physics at the earliest time after set up of the physics beams

Contact people: BE/OP


Author: Giovanni Rumolo - BE/ABP
Last update: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 17:00:22 AM
Copyright CERN