Week 26 - Parallel MD (Starting on Monday 28/06/2010 and ending on Friday 02/07/2010)
Monday 28/06 (08:00) to Friday 02/07 (18:00) - LHC50 1-batch high-intensity studies in the PS* and start to prepare the LHCINDIV with maximum intensity in the PSB and PS (to be ready for SPS studies during next week) => Within about nominal longitudinal and transverse beam parameters
Contact Person: G. Rumolo and B. Mikulec for the PSB and H. Damerau and R. Steerenberg for the PS
* Monday will be required to switch back to the original LHC50 (as the MDs of W25 and W26 are done with the same user: LHC50 PSB and LHC50 PS) + quick check of standard LHC25 performance.
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Monday, June 21, 2010 12:22:55 AM