Week 28 - Parallel MD (Starting on Monday 12/07/2010 and ending on Friday 16/07/2010)
- The whole week should be devoted to the (single-bunch) TMCI studies in the SPS with higher intensities than nominal (with the new beam prepared in the PSB-PS the weeks before: ~ 3E11 p/b were reached!)
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHCFAST (when the LHC is not taking beam) or MD1 (MD_26_L7200_V1)
Contact Person: W. Hofle (some american colleagues should also join) and E. Metral / B. Salvant
- When possible during the week, continue the high-intensity studies in the PS on the LHC50 1-batch (to see if this beam could be used in the SPS during the next Injector MD block of week 29)
Contact Person: H. Damerau
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 10:14:28 PM
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