Week 30 - Parallel MD
N.B. The parallel MDs take place all the time from 8:00 to 18:00, provided the LHC is in store or does not request beam. The MD cycle is removed from the supercycle during the LHC filling
Thursday (29 July) - Study of the maximum intensity 150ns beam that can be sent to the SPS under PS standard hardware conditions
Beam conditions: PSB user = LHC75, PS user = LHC75, SPS user = MD1 (or LHCFAST)
Contact Person: A. Findlay, S. Hancock, T. Bohl, E. Métral, K. Cornelis
Friday (30 July) - Check of the LHC single bunch with higher intensities than nominal (up to 3E11 p/b) in the PSB/PS. Transverse and longitudinal parameters
Beam conditions: PSB user = MD3, PS user = MDPS
Contact Person: J. Tan, A. Findlay, G. Rumolo, H. Damerau, S. Hancock
Last update: July 27, 2010 10:14:28 PM
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