Week 36 - Parallel MD (Monday through Friday 6-10/09/2010, from 8h00 to 18h00)
N.B. The parallel MDs take place all the time from 8:00 to 18:00, provided the LHC is in store or does not request beam. The MD cycle is removed from the supercycle during the LHC filling
Monday - Tuesday - No parallel MD
Beam conditions:
PSB user =
PS user =
SPS user =
RF MMI target =
Contact Person:
Wednesday - Friday - Studies with ions on a // 1 injection cycle
Beam conditions: early ion beam
PS user = LHCION
SPS user = LHCION1
RF MMI target = LHCION
Contact Person: T. Bohl, P. Baudrenghien, D. Manglunki
Friday - Measurement of cavity return phases 10/20/40 MHz
Beam conditions: 50ns LHC-type beam with variable intensities
PSB user = LHC50
PS user = LHC50
SPS user =
RF MMI target =
Contact Person: H. Damerau
Last update: August 3, 2010 15:16:28 PM
Copyright CERN