Week 45 - Parallel MD (Monday and Tuesday 08-09/11/2010 + Thursday and Friday 11-12/10/2010, from 8h00 to 18h00)

N.B. The parallel MDs take place all the time from 8:00 to 18:00, provided the LHC is in store or does not request beam. The MD cycle can be removed from the supercycle during the LHC filling. MDs in the CPS complex can take place whenever there is free place in the supercycle


Monday - Tuesday - Optics studies for the change of gamma-transition and comparisons with the nominal cycle

Beam conditions and cycle Single LHC-type bunch on MD_26_L7200_Q20_V1 for flat bottom studies, or LHCFAST_L7200_2010_Q20_V1 with acceleration, or the corresponding ones with Q26, i.e.  MD_26_L7200_V1 or  LHCFAST_L7200_2009_V2 .



SPS user = MD1 (no acceleration) or LHCFAST3 (with acceleration) for Q20

                  MD1 (no acceleration) or LHCFAST (with acceleration) for Q26


Sequence = PSB.LHCINDIV.1_0->CPS.LHCINDIV.2_1->SPS.*.6_2

Contact PersonY. Papaphilippou, H. Bartosik, T. Argyropoulos, B. Salvant, et al.


Wednesday - Floating MD (16h)


Thursday - Friday - Set-up of the LHC75 beam in the injector chain (during LHC fills) - Canceled because of 80MHz cavity in the PS

Beam conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 batches of LHC75 injected into the SPS at nominal intensity and up to 50% higher. Cycle LHC_4Inj_FB7260_FT_835_2010_V1.csv, 15bp

PSB user =   LHC75

PS user = LHC75

SPS user = LHC4

RF MMI target = LHC75NS

Sequence = LHC1-0/1/2(1)

Contact PersonBE/OP, BE/RF




Wednesday - Friday - Detection of narrow band impedances

Beam conditions Low intensity h=2 beam

PSB user =   MD3

Contact Person: A. Blas



Monday - Wednesday - Emittance growth measurement on the long flat bottom with bunch rotation after injection (space charge induced)

Beam conditions LHC-type beam (possibly LHC50 rebucketed on h=2 at PSB extraction)

PSB user =  

PS user =  

Contact PersonS. Gilardoni, R. Steerenberg, A. Findlay, H. Damerau, S. Hancock



Author: Giovanni Rumolo BE/ABP-ICE
Last update: November 5, 2010 12:00:28 PM
Copyright CERN