Week 48 - MD (Monday through End of Run 29/11-6/12/2010)

N.B. FT physics, MD and UA9 will be stopped during the LHC filling.


- Monday - Wednesday 8:00 => Fragmented ion beam tests for NA61

Beam conditions 9 injections on the I-LHC cycle with energy at flat top of 13, 20 or 80 GeV/u  (cycle references SFT_ION_E35.27_L4500_2010_V1, SFT_ION_E53.1_L4500_2010_V1, SFT_ION_E205.3_L4500_2010_V1, 32bp)


PS user = MDION

SPS user = SFTION1

RF MMI target = Ions Fixed Target

Contact PersonI. Efthymiopoulos


- Wednesday 8:00 - Wednesday 16:00  => Set up of the coastable cycle at 270 GeV/c MD_ION_4inj_FT2000_270_2010_V1

Contact people: T. Bohl, S. Cettour-Cave, BE/OP, BE/RF


- LEIR user = EARLY

- PS user = LHCION

- SPS user = LHCMD1 (pulsed)

- SPS user = COASTPRE2 (first in coast)

- SPS user = COAST2 (coast)

- SPS user = COASTRE2 (last of coast)

- RF MMI target = LHCION

- Sequence name:  LHCMD1-0/2/3


- Wednesday 16:00 - Thursday 8:00 => UA9

Beam conditions up to 4 injections (4 bunches). Cycle and users as specified above or, under request, move to the 120 GeV coastable cycle MD_ION_4inj_FT2000_120_2009_V1, 12bp and users as below

- LEIR user = EARLY

- PS user = LHCION

- SPS user = LHCMDION (pulsed)

- SPS user = COASTPRE1 (first in coast)

- SPS user = COAST1 (coast)

- SPS user = COASTRE1 (last of coast)

- RF MMI target = LHCION

- Sequence name: LHCMDION-0/2/3

For the coast, mask the following SIS interlocks: KICKERS_SPSRING (essentially for the MKD_EARLY_ENABLED), switch off the MDSH119 (otherwise it will trip), POWER_CONVERTERS_TT10 (as some could trip during the coast) and BLRING_DUMP_CHANNEL_VETO.

Settings copied as follows (from S. Cettour-Cave, 14/11/2010)

Contact PeopleW. Scandale et al.


- Thursday 8:00 - End of the run (6/12/2010 at 18:00)  => Fragmented ion beam tests for NA61

Beam conditions 9 injections on the I-LHC cycle with energy at flat top of 13, 20 or 80 GeV/u  (cycle references SFT_ION_E35.27_L4500_2010_V1, SFT_ION_E53.1_L4500_2010_V1, SFT_ION_E205.3_L4500_2010_V1, 32bp)


PS user = MDION

SPS user = SFTION1

RF MMI target = Ions Fixed Target

Contact PersonI. Efthymiopoulos



Author: Giovanni Rumolo BE/ABP-ICE
Last update: November 22, 2010 15:16:28 PM
Copyright CERN