Week 20 - Parallel MD
Monday 16/5/2011 to Friday 20/5/2011, between
08h00 and 18h00 compatibly with physics
and LHC
SPS MDs Monday 16/05 - Wednesday 18/05
MD title:
Working point scan and
emittance evolution studies on a Q20 flat cycle. Comparison with a Q26 cycle
Contact People: H. Bartosik, Y. Papaphilippou, B. Salvant, BE/OP, BE/RF Additional remarks: transverse emittance measurements along the cycle in the PS are performed in parallel by E. Benedetto Wednesday 18/05
MD title:
Longitudinal instabilities
at flat top with radial steering
Contact People: T. Bohl Additional remarks: the intensity of the second bunch is changed by changing the PSB user (LHCPROBE for a second bunch with very little intensity and MD4 to scan the range between LHCPROBE and nominal LHCINDIV)
Thursday 19/05
MD title:
Transverse emittance
measurements with 4 batches of 25ns beam
Contact People: G. Rumolo, et al. Additional remarks: simultaneous transverse emittance measurements in the PSB and PS are desirable Friday 20/05
MD title:
Working point scan and
emittance evolution studies on a Q20 flat cycle. Comparison with a Q26 cycle
Contact People: H. Bartosik, Y. Papaphilippou, B. Salvant, BE/OP, BE/RF Additional remarks: transverse emittance measurements along the cycle in the PS are performed in parallel by E. Benedetto
PS MDs Monday 16/05 to Friday 20/05
MD title:
Injection of 8 x PSB bunches into h=9 (joint with PSB)
Contact People: A. Findlay, H. Damerau, S. Hancock Additional remarks:
MD title:
Working point optimization
Contact People: E. Benedetto, G. Métral, S. Gilardoni Additional remarks:
MD title:
Tests of magnetic elements (includes low energy
correctors, DHZ15-60 at injection, low energy quadrupoles and skew quadrupoles
at 2 GeV)
Contact People: G. Métral, S. Gilardoni Additional remarks:
PSB MDs Monday 16/05 to Friday 20/05
MD title:
Set up of 8 x PSB bunches to fit into PS h=9 (joint with PS)
Contact People: BE/OP Additional remarks: |
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Author: Giovanni
Last update:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 07:04:06 PM