Week 21 - Parallel MD
Monday 23/5/2011 to Friday 27/5/2011, between
08h00 and 18h00 compatibly with physics, SPS floating MD
and LHC
SPS MDs Monday 23/05 - Tuesday 24/05
MD title:
Dependence of fBCT on bunch length and position
Contact People: D. Belohrad, L Soby Additional remarks: 10 acquisitions (averaging) per position = 400ms and that at ~ 10 different position -20mm to +20mm in 5mm steps. Measurements to be done also with different bunch lengths.
When possible, a couple of hours should be devoted to the
following check:
Contact People: G. Rumolo, et al. Additional remarks: simultaneous transverse emittance measurements in the PSB and PS are desirable
Thursday 26/05 - Friday 27/05
MD title:
Dependence of fBCT on bunch length and position
Contact People: D. Belohrad, L Soby Additional remarks: 10 acquisitions (averaging) per position = 400ms and that at ~ 10 different position -20mm to +20mm in 5mm steps. Measurements to be done also with different bunch lengths.
PS MDs Monday 23/05 to Friday 27/05
MD title:
Injection of 8 x PSB bunches into h=9 (joint with PSB)
Contact People: H. Damerau, S. Hancock Additional remarks:
MD title:
Working point optimization
Contact People: E. Benedetto, G. Métral, S. Gilardoni, BE/OP Additional remarks:
Contact People: G. Métral, S. Gilardoni Additional remarks:
MD title:
Use of PFWs to control tunes and chromaticities
Contact People: G. Métral, S. Gilardoni Additional remarks:
MD title:
Instability measurements at transition crossing with
Contact People: S. Aumon, P. Freyermuth Additional remarks:
PSB MDs Monday 23/05 to Friday 27/05
MD title:
Optimization of 8 x PSB bunches to fit into PS h=9 (joint with PS)
Contact People: BE/OP Additional remarks:
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Author: Giovanni
Last update:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 09:03:08 AM