Week 36 - Parallel MD
Monday 5/9/2011 to Friday 9/9/2011, between
08h00 and 18h00 compatibly with physics and LHC
SPS MDs Monday 05/09 - Wednesday 07/09
MD title: Preparation for the LHC
Contact People: T. Bohl, D. Manglunki, P. Baudrenghien, U. Wehrle, W. Höfle Additional remarks:
Friday 09/09
MD title:
Impedance measurements on Q20 and Q26 optics
Contact People: B. Salvant, N. Biancacci Additional remarks:
PS MDs Monday 05/09 to Friday 09/09
MD title:
Preparation and support for the LHC MDs
Contact People: BE/OP, BE/RF Additional remarks:
MD title:
Working point optimization + Control of chromaticity at 2 GeV
+ Use of PFWs to control tunes and chromaticities
Contact People: E. Benedetto, G. Métral, S. Gilardoni, BE/OP Additional remarks:
PSB MDs Monday 05/09 to Friday 09/09
MD title:
Preparation and support for the LHC MDs
Contact People: BE/OP, BE/RF Additional remarks: |
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Author: Giovanni
Last update:
Friday, September 09, 2011 09:32:12 AM