Week 24 - Parallel MD (starting on Monday 14/06/2010 and ending on 18/06/2010)

Monday 14/06 (08:00) to Friday 18/06 (18:00), except during the floating MD - Preparation of the 150 ns bunch spacing beam (with 12 bunches) in the SPS. This beam was prepared last week in the PSB/PS and 2/3 of the nominal intensity (with 12 bunches at ejection) was reached. Above this intensity it degrades due to coupled-bunch instabilities. Note that according to Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (discussion on 11/06/10), this beam becomes interesting if we can send more than 8E10 p/b to the LHC (it seems that we are close to this limit).

Beam conditions:

- User in the PSB = LHC75, user in the PS = LHC75 and user in the SPS = LHCFAST (to be used when the LHC is not taking beam).

Contact Person: E. Metral


Tuesday 15/06 (08:00 - 16:00) and Thursday 17/06 (08:00 - 16:00) - Evaluation of the effect of two gap relays in the PS 10 MHz cavities

Beam conditions:

- 1 BP CNGS-like cycle with D3 destination

Contact Person: H. Damerau


Wednesday 16/06 (08:00 - 24:00)

Floating MD (// to LHC)


Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update: Monday, June 14, 2010 11:30:01 AM
Copyright CERN