Week 19 - Long SPS MD
Monday  9/5/2011 and Wednesday 11/5/2011 during LHC Technical Stop

Monday 08h00 - 18h00

Supercycle: fully dedicated MD

MD title:
Setting-up of the damper and optimization of longitudinal parameters along the cycle
Beam conditions: LHC 25ns beam, one or two batch, intensity per bunch 1.2e11
LHCMD_25ns_2011_V1, 18bp

PSB user =   LHC_MD_A + LHC_MD_B (up to 2 SPS injections)
PS cycle = LHC25
PS timing user = MD6
SPS user = LHCMD1
RF MMI target = LHCMD3

Contact People: T. Bohl, W. Hofle, D. Valuch

Additional remarks: 


Monday 18h00 - Tuesday 05h00

Supercycle: total 36bp, made of two long flat bottom LHC cycles, one nominal optics and the other one low gamma transition

MD title:
Electron cloud measurements: efficiency of clearing electrodes and RGA between StSt liners
Beam conditions: 1-4 batches of 25ns beam with nominal intensity per bunch (1.2e11)
LHCMD_25ns_2011_V1, 18bp

PSB user =   LHC_MD_A + LHC_MD_B
PS cycle = LHC25
PS timing user = MD6
SPS user = LHCMD1
RF MMI target = LHCMD3

Contact Person: G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Taborelli, C. Yin-Vallgren, BE/BI, TE/ABT

Additional remarks: Scan of magnetic field to check the dependence of the efficiency of the clearing electrode, possible checks of beam instrumentation (wire scanners, fBCT), monitor kicker heating/outgassing, ZS outgassing
Some pre-requisites (taken from 2010 operation):
 - The interlock threshold on the temperature of the MKE kickers can be raised? (check with Karel)
 - With LHC beam the ZS should be RETRACTED / HV to 20 kV / ION TRAPS ON (the ZS expert must be informed). At the end of the MD Ht conditioning should be foreseen before applying back the HV to its nominal value (check with ZS experts)
 - The cooling circuit for the septa magnets (circuits 214, 414 and 614) should be switched OFF (by TI from the CCC).
 - The fast vacuum valves in the injection and extraction areas (LSS1, LSS2, LSS4 and LSS6) should be blocked OUT (by Tony Mongelluzzo, 165116)
 - The magnets with the e-cloud monitors are 4 dipoles: MDHW51832, 51836, 51838, 51853, all nominally with 0.12 T (setting of MDHW51832 to 25 A), but this value can be scanned during the MD

MD title: Set up of single bunch on long low gamma transition cycle and emittance evolution
Beam conditions: single bunch with intensity up to nominal (1.2e11)
Cycle:  LHCMD_25ns_Q20_2011_V1,

PSB user =   LHCINDIV or MD4
PS timing user = LHCINDIV or MD8
PS cycle =
RF MMI target = MD2

Contact Person: H. Bartosik, Y. Papaphilippou, B. Salvant

Additional remarks: 


Tuesday 05h00 - Wednesday 08h00


If the beam becomes already available in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday:

Supercycle: one LHC cycle for 50ns single batch + 2 CNGS

MD title:
Electron cloud with larger emittance 50ns beams up to the ultimate intensity
Beam conditions: LHC 50ns beam with single batch PSB-PS transfer, 1-4 batches, intensity per bunch up to 1.7e11
Cycle: LHCMD_50ns_S_2011_V1
, 15bp

PSB user =   LHC_A
PS timing user = LHC
PS cycle = LHC_50
SPS user = LHCMD2
RF MMI target = LHCMD2

Contact People: G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Taborelli, C. Yin-Vallgren

Additional remarks: 


Wednesday 08h00 - 18h00

Supercycle: total 36bp, made of two long flat bottom LHC cycles, one nominal optics and the other one low gamma transition

MD title:
Electron cloud with low emittance 50ns beams up to the highest intensity
Beam conditions: LHC 50ns beam with double batch PSB-PS transfer, 1-4 batches, intensity per bunch as much as the PS can deliver on cycle LHCMD_50ns_D_2011_V1, 18bp

PSB user =   LHC_MD_A + LHC_MD_B
PS timing user = LHC_MD
PS cycle = LHC_DB_50
SPS user = LHCMD1
RF MMI target = LHCMD1

Contact People: G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Taborelli, C. Yin-Vallgren

Additional remarks: 


MD title: Set up of single bunch on long low gamma transition cycle and emittance evolution
Beam conditions: single bunch with intensity up to nominal (1.2e11)
Cycle: LHCMD_25ns_Q20_2011_V1,

PSB user =   LHCINDIV or MD4
PS timing user = LHCINDIV or MD8
PS cycle =
RF MMI target = MD2

Contact Person: H. Bartosik, Y. Papaphilippou, B. Salvant

Additional remarks: 


Wednesday 18h00 - Thursday 06h00

Supercycle: one LHC cycle for 50ns single batch + 2 CNGS

MD title:
Electron cloud with larger emittance 50ns beams up to the ultimate intensity
Beam conditions: LHC 50ns beam with single batch PSB-PS transfer, 1-4 batches, intensity per bunch up to 1.7e11
Cycle: LHCMD_50ns_S_2011_V1
, 15bp

PSB user =   LHC_A
PS user = LHC
PS cycle = LHC_50
SPS user = LHCMD2
RF MMI target = LHCMD2

Contact People: G. Rumolo, E. Shaposhnikova, M. Taborelli, C. Yin-Vallgren

Additional remarks: 


Thursday 06h00 - Thursday 08h00

Recovery from MD and switch back to physics


Back to the Injector MD home page

Author: Giovanni Rumolo BE-ABP-ICE
Last update: Monday, May 09, 2011 10:31:38 AM
Copyright CERN