Week 50 - SPS Scrubbing Run
From Monday 8/12 (06h00) to Wednesday 10/12 (18h00)

The SIS vacuum interlock level on the MKP4 should be raised to 5e-7 (and then put it back after the MD to the normal (2e-7) value, as agreed with TE/ABT).
The SIS vacuum interlock level on the TIDVG should be raised to 1.2e-6 (and then put it back after the MD to the normal (2e-7) value, as agreed with EN/STI).

Supercycle (fully dedicated to scrubbing): MD_SCRUB_26_L26400_Q20_2014_V1 (22bp)

Monday 08/12 06h00-07h30

06h00: Beam stop

06h45-07h30: Access to BA4 for moving COLDEX in

Monday 08/12 07h30 - Tuesday 09/12 07h30

MD title: SCRUBBING full steam

Beam conditions: LHC 25 ns beam, up to 4 batches with increasing intensity up to 1.8e11 p/b (as many trains as vacuum in TIDVG and MKP4 permit) 

PSB user = MD_HI_LHC25A + MD_HI_LHC25B
PS user = MD_LHC25#72b_scrubbing
SPS user = MD3

→ Switch to doublets during the night (exact configuration to be decided on the fly according to vacuum conditions in sensitive elements + efficiency study)

PSB user = MD_HI_LHC25A + MD_HI_LHC25B
PS user = MD6 (MD_LHC25#72b_Doublet)
SPS user = MD3

Tuesday 07h30 - Wednesday 07h30

Supercycle: LHC_Doublet_2Inj_FB3900_FT500_Q20_20141_V1 + MD_26_L7200_Q26_2014_V1 (26 + 7 = 33bp)

MD title:
Acceleration of doublet beam
Beam conditions: up to two batches of 72 bunches injected and split into doublets at SPS injection + slow acceleration, increasign intensity over the day
Cycle: LHC_Doublet_2Inj_FB3900_FT500_Q20_20141_V1 (26bp)

PSB user = MD_HI_LHC25A + MD_HI_LHC25B
PS user = MD6 (MD_LHC25#72b_Doublet)
SPS user = LHCMD4

Additional remarks: Make sure that the TIDVG_DUMPED_INTENSITY interlock is NOT masked when accelerating; Inform Nicolas Voumard when playing the  LHC_Doublet_2Inj_FB3900_FT500_Q20_20141_V1 cycle to check the modification of the new BETS for slow ramps.


MD title: High bandwidth feedback studies
Beam conditions: single bunch (MD_26_L7200_Q26_2014_V1)

PSB user =   LHC2A (LHC25_DB_A_PSB) + LHC2B (LHC25_DB_B_PSB)
PS user = LHC1 (LHC25#72b)
SPS user =

Contact PeopleC. Rivetta, W. Hoefle

Additional remarks:


Wednesday 10/12 07h30 - Wednesday 10/12 17h00

Supercycle (fully dedicated to scrubbing): MD_SCRUB_26_L26400_Q20_2014_V1 (22bp)

MD title: Check of different beam types

Beam conditions: LHC 25 ns beam up to 4 batches (variants that have been prepared among BCMS, 8b+4e, 80b trains) 

for 8b+4e:

PS user = MD_LHC25#48b_8b4e
SPS user = MD3

for BCMS:

PSB user = LHC2A (LHC25_EI_H9_A) + LHC2B (LHC25_EI_H9_B)
PS user = MD_LHC25#48b_BCMS
SPS user = MD3


Supercycle: LHC_25ns_SLOW_Q20_2014_V1 (19bp)

MD title:
Acceleration of nominal and BCMS beam
Beam conditions: 4 x 72 bunches of nominal 25 ns or 4 x 48 bunches of BCMS
Cycle: LHC_25ns_SLOW_Q20_2014_V1 (19bp)

for nominal:

PSB user =   LHC2A (LHC25_DB_A_PSB) + LHC2B (LHC25_DB_B_PSB)
PS user = LHC1 (LHC25#72b)
SPS user = LHC25NS

for BCMS:

PSB user = LHC2A (LHC25_EI_H9_A) + LHC2B (LHC25_EI_H9_B)
PS user = MD_LHC25#48b_BCMS
SPS user = LHC25NS

Additional remarks: Make sure that the TIDVG_DUMPED_INTENSITY interlock is NOT masked when accelerating

From 14:00 to 18:00, the global tests of the North Area ion interlock (T. Hakulinen, D. Manglunki) will take place. This will be transparent to the MD planned in the same time slot but will require an SFTPRO in the supercycle


Wednesday 10/12 17h00-18h00

17h00: Beam stop

17h45-18h15: Access to BA4 for moving COLDEX out and return to physics


Summary of scrubbing run given at the IEFC (12/12/14)


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Author: Giovanni Rumolo BE-ABP-ICE
Last update: Monday, December 15, 2014 08:46:22 AM
Copyright CERN