Week 39 - Parallel MD
Monday 24/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - Work on both 25 ns and 75 ns LHC beams => Check at the end of the day that the nominal (72 bunches) 25 ns LHC beam is ready in the PS for the SPS dedicated MD of the next day
Beam conditions: PSB users = LHC25A&B / PS user = LHC25
Contact Person: OP/RF
Tuesday 25/09 (08:00) - Wednesday 26/09 (08:00)
Tuesday 25/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - Continue setting-up of CNGS in the PS (on CNGS or MD3)
Beam conditions: PS user = CNGS or MD3 (1 BP) and PSB user = CNGS
Contact Person: R. Steerenberg
Wednesday 26/09 (08:00) - Thursday 27/09 (08:00)
TT60 and TT40/60 tests (General page "Beam Tests - TT40/TT60 2007")
Wednesday 26/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - MTE-related studies (priority) or continue setting-up of CNGS in the PS (on CNGS or MD3)
Beam conditions for MTE: PS user = MD2 (2 BP) and PSB user = MD1
Contact Person: S. Gilardoni
Beam conditions for CNGS: PS user = CNGS or MD3 (1 BP) and PSB user = CNGS
Contact Person: R. Steerenberg
Thursday 27/09 (08:00 - 16:00)
Thursday 27/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - Nonlinear chromaticity measurements (if possible) or MTE related studies
Beam conditions for CNGS: PS user = MDPRO and PSB user = TSTPS
Contact Person: R. Steerenberg
Beam conditions for MTE: PS user = MD2 (2 BP) and PSB user = MD1
Contact Person: S. Gilardoni
Friday 28/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - MTE-related studies or continue setting-up of CNGS in the PS (on CNGS or MD3)
Beam conditions for MTE: PS user = MD2 (2 BP) and PSB user = MD1
Contact Person: S. Gilardoni
Beam conditions for CNGS: PS user = CNGS or MD3 (1 BP) and PSB user = CNGS
Contact Person: R. Steerenberg
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 04:11:01 PM