- Monday 14/09 (07:30) - Stop beams for SPS accesses + Change supercycles in the PS and SPS (OP). The SPS supercycle will be the p+ 120 GeV/c coastable (some references can be found at https://ab-mgt-md-users.web.cern.ch/ab-mgt-md-users/2009/MDCycles/SomeReferencesForpCoastAt120GeV/Ref.htm).
Beam conditions: PS user = LHCINDIV and PSB user = LHCINDIV
#bunches = 4 (i.e. 4 PSB rings)
Nb ~ 1E11 p/b
Transverse emittances: e* < 3 microm
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eVs
- Monday 14/09 (08:00 - 18:00) - PS coupled-bunch feedback with C11 on LHC25 (from 08:00 to 13:00) and then check of measurements with radial PUs on SFTPRO/CNGS-TOF-AD (from 13:00 to 18:00) (H. Damerau). During this time, there will an access in the SPS to work on the LHC BPMs, which are needed for one of the next MDs (R. Steinhagen) + Accesses to work on some dipoles/quads which have water leaks
- Monday 14/09 (18:00) to Tuesday 15/09 (02:00) - Instability in double RF system for SPS and LHC (E. Shaposhnikova)
- Tuesday 15/09 (02:00 - 10:00) - LHC collimators (R. Assmann)
- Tuesday 15/09 (10:00 - 11:00) - Change supercycles in the PS and SPS (OP). The SPS supercycle will be the LHC nominal one at 450 GeV/c (some references can be found at https://ab-mgt-md-users.web.cern.ch/ab-mgt-md-users/2009/MDCycles/SomeReferencesForLHCNominalCycle/Ref.htm). During this time, E. Roux will make some tests on the LINAC2 watchdog
Beam conditions: SPS user = LHC1, PS user = LHC25 (or TSTLHC75*, i.e. the 75 ns beam in 1 batch in the PS) and PSB user = LHC25A&B (or LHC75B**, i.e. the 75 ns beam in 1 batch in the PSB)
# batches (bunches) = 1-4 (72 or 24)
Nb ~ 1.3E11 p/b
Transverse emittances: e* < 3 microm
Longitudinal emittance: eL* = 0.35 eVs
* LHC75 in the PS is reserved for the 50 ns beam in 1 batch
** LHC75A in the PSB is reserved for the 50 ns beam in 1 batch
- Tuesday 15/09 (11:00 - 15:00) - LHC sequencing studies (J. Wenninger) => 4 batches needed but low intensity is sufficient. During the day H. Damerau will work in the PS on LHCION/EASTB (Investigation of radial loop receiver behaviour)
- Tuesday 15/09 (15:00 - 24:00) - Ecloud studies in the SPS (with the 3 coated MBB magnets) with LHC25 + Check the 75 ns*** beams + Transverse coupled-bunch instability studies with the different bunch spacings if the LHC BPMs work! (E. Shaposhnikova and N. Mounet and E. Metral)
*** The 50 ns beam will not be ready and will be checked during the next Long Injector MD, i.e. in week 41 (Decision with Heiko, Steve and Rende, 01/09/09)
- Wednesday 16/09 (00:00 - 09:00) - Long LHC cycle in the PS (Y. Papaphilippou). During this time, "any" (so we will use the previous) beam could be used for some BI studies in the SPS (R. Steinhagen) => Both cancelled (the involved people could finally not come)
- Wednesday 16/09 (09:00 - 10:00) - Change supercycles in the PS and SPS (OP). The SPS supercycle will be the dedicated ion one with 4 injections
- Wednesday 16/09 (10:00 - 24:00) - SPS ion commissioning (D. Manglunki)
- Thursday 17/09 (00:00 - 01:00) - Change supercycles in the PS and SPS (OP). The SPS supercycle will be the ion 120 GeV/c coastable (some references can be found at https://ab-mgt-md-users.web.cern.ch/ab-mgt-md-users/2009/MDCycles/SomeReferencesForIonCoastAt120GeV/Ref.htm)
- Thursday 17/09 (01:00 - 07:00) - Setting-up of the 120 GeV/c coastable cycle with ions to be used for the UA9 studies of the next week 39 (OP)=> Cancelled (as the priority was given to the previous MD, which needed more time)
- Thursday 17/09 (07:00 - 08:00) - Recovery from MD (OP)
- Change of supercycle
- Send beam to physics at 08:00
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Friday, September 18, 2009 01:29:18 PM