Week 33 - Parallel MD
Reminder 1: There should always be 1 cycle reserved for parallel studies in the PSB.
Reminder 2: During the week (if / when possible) the PSB and the PS will continue to work on the production of LHC75 in 1 batch.
Monday 10/08 (16:00) to Thursday 13/08 (08:00)
Injector Long MD
Thursday 13/08 (08:00 - 18:00) - SPS ion commissioning (setting-up in // of the early ion beam)
Beam conditions: SPS cycle = SFTLONG1 + 4 CNGS1 + LHCION1, PS user = LHCION (MDION is reserved for the nominal beam) and LEIR user = EARLY
SPS user Timing = LHCION1 (LHCION2 is reserved for the dedicated MD)
Contact Person: D. Manglunki
Friday 14/08 (08:00 - 18:00) - SPS ion commissioning (setting-up in // of the early ion beam)
Beam conditions: SPS cycle = SFTLONG1 + 4 CNGS1 + LHCION1, PS user = LHCION (MDION is reserved for the nominal beam) and LEIR user = EARLY
SPS user Timing = LHCION1 (LHCION2 is reserved for the dedicated MD)
Contact Person: D. Manglunki
Author: Elias Métral - AB/ABP
Last update:
Monday, August 17, 2009 12:21:15 PM