Week 46 - Floating Injector MD
(From Monday 15/11 at 10:00 to Monday 15/11 at 20:00, then UA9 until Tuesday 16/11 at 20:00 in // to LHC)
The starting time of this MD as well as the actual number of MD hours depend on the beam request and filling of LHC
- Monday 08:00 - Monday 18:00 => Set up of the coastable cycle for ions to be used later by UA9 (cycle name MD_ION_4inj_FT2000_120_2009_V1, 12bp)
Contact people: S. Cettour-Cave, T. Bohl, BE/OP, BE/RF
- LEIR user = EARLY
- PS user = LHCION
- SPS user = LHCMDION (pulsed)
- SPS user = Coastpre1 (first in coast)
- SPS user = Coast1 (coast)
- SPS user = Coastre1 (last of coast)
- RF MMI target = LHCION
- Sequence name: LHCMDION-0/2/3
For the coast, mask the following SIS interlocks: KICKERS_SPSRING (essentially for the MKD_EARLY_ENABLED), switch off the MDSH119 (otherwise it will trip), POWER_CONVERTERS_TT10 (as some could trip during the coast) and BLRING_DUMP_CHANNEL_VETO.
Settings copied as follows (from S. Cettour-Cave, 14/11/2010)
Injection Kicker from LHCION2-> LHCMDION
Injection Kicker from LHCION2-> COASTPRE1
Mopos settings from LHCION2-> LHCMDION
MKD settings
- Monday 18:00 - Tuesday 18:00 => UA9
Beam conditions: Ion beam on coastable cycle, basically same conditions as above
Contact people: W. Scandale
→ Back to the parallel MD page for Week 46
Giovanni Rumolo - BE/ABP
Last update: Sunday, November 14, 2010 23:17:22 AM
Copyright CERN