Week 46 - Parallel MD (Monday through Friday 15-19/11/2010, from 8h00 to 18h00, exceptionally later)


Monday 08:00 - Tuesday 18:00 - Floating MD (10h)  + UA9


It must be made sure that the PS 80MHz cavity 88 is re-tuned for the LHC proton beams by Wednesday morning. If possible, after the UA9 stop and after the last LHC refill with ions on Tuesday afternoon, the cavity should be retuned to allow the injectors to start the checks on 50 and 75ns beams (SPS included). LHC will then take LHCPROBE and LHCINDIV in the morning, while LHC50 and LHC75 are still being checked and optimized in the injectors. From 13:00 on, LHC will take the 75ns beams on Wednesday. Beams with 50ns bunch spacing into the LHC are on schedule for Thursday.


Tuesday 18:00 - Friday 13:00 - Check of the LHC50 and LHC75 beam along the whole injector chain and use them to fill the LHC according to request

Beam conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 batches of LHC75 and LHC50 injected into the SPS at nominal intensity (and possibly between values 50% lower and 20% higher than nominal). Cycle LHC_4Inj_FB7260_FT_835_2010_V1.csv, 15bp

PSB user =   LHC75 - LHC50

PS user = LHC75 - LHC50

SPS user = LHC4


Sequence = LHC1-0/1/2(1)

Contact PersonBE/OP, BE/RF


When possible, on a parallel cycle at the SPS:

Wednesday - Friday - Optics and high intensity studies for the change of gamma-transition

Beam conditions and cycle Single LHC-type bunch on MD_26_L7200_Q20_V1 for flat bottom studies, or LHCFAST_L7200_2010_Q20_V1 with acceleration.



SPS user = MD1 (no acceleration) or LHCFAST3 (with acceleration)


Sequence = PSB.LHCINDIV.1_0->CPS.LHCINDIV.2_1->SPS.*.6_2

Contact PersonH. Bartosik, B. Salvant et al.


Friday afternoon - No parallel MD possible with proton LHC beams due to the 80MHz cavity in the PS being tuned on the ions



Wednesday - Friday - Detection of narrow band impedances

Beam conditions Low intensity pure h=2 beam

PSB user =   MD3

Contact Person: A. Blas



Monday - Friday - Coherent tune shift measurements at 26 GeV/c and TMCI at transition

Beam conditions TOF-like beam

PSB user = TSTPS

PS user = MD3

Contact PersonS. Aumon



Author: Giovanni Rumolo BE/ABP-ICE
Last update: November 11, 2010 12:27:28 PM
Copyright CERN